Our Team

Dan Eyre

Dan Eyre

Email - dan@thesolutionauto.co.uk


Can either be found in the office, gym, running or eating! 

Vikki Eyre

Vikki Eyre

Director / Company Secretary
Email - vikki@thesolutionauto.co.uk

Adores her 2 children, coffee, and good food..alongside the odd glass of rose wine.

Phil Ashworth

Phil Ashworth

Team Leader 
Email - phil@thesolutionauto.co.uk

Dedicated to his children and grandchildren, Phil is also a really keen golfer.... when he gets time! 

Jon Anderson

Jon Anderson

Senior Recruitment Consultant
Email - jon@thesolutionauto.co.uk 

A proud father who plays pool to a high standard and is not too shabby at golf either!

Kirsty Smith

Kirsty Smith

Recruitment Consultant 
Email - kirsty@thesolutionauto.co.uk

Fiercely competitive, family orientated and loves a night out! 

Chloe Eyre

Chloe Eyre

Recruitment Consultant 
Email - chloe@thesolutionauto.co.uk


Dan's daughter, Vikki's niece.... the next generation has arrived! 

Jack Wood

Jack Wood

Recruitment Consultant 
Email - jack@thesolutionauto.co.uk
After a short spell away, Jack is Back! 
He's retained his love of snakes and all things UFC!